Karen Gardner, who is a BBC radio presenter for Wiltshire Radio made allegations against Rolf Harris similar to the allegations of Miss Cambridge. After Mr Harris was convicted of assaulting Miss Cambridge, Gardner made her own allegations of what might be construed a similar nature to Miss Cambridge's.
It is now known beyond any question that in 1977 Rolf appeared in the ITV programme STAR GAMES filmed on Jesus Green. Gardner would have been sixteen at the time.
She claimed she shared a taxi with Rolf and the taxi took them both to the swimming event held on the green. In the taxi she claims Rolf assaulted her. This is what she says -
I know Jesus Green and have been to Cambridge many times. I had an insatiable urge to go back and have another look because a question arose in my mind 'DO YOU REALLY NEED A TAXI TO TAKE YOU 100 YARDS?'
I took a camera, photos of the 1977 Star Games, I took a surveyors tape measure, had a look at Gardners allegations, and you know what? I don't believe a word!
First I looked at some Star Games photo's and established where on the green the games were held.
It is now known beyond any question that in 1977 Rolf appeared in the ITV programme STAR GAMES filmed on Jesus Green. Gardner would have been sixteen at the time.
She claimed she shared a taxi with Rolf and the taxi took them both to the swimming event held on the green. In the taxi she claims Rolf assaulted her. This is what she says -
I know Jesus Green and have been to Cambridge many times. I had an insatiable urge to go back and have another look because a question arose in my mind 'DO YOU REALLY NEED A TAXI TO TAKE YOU 100 YARDS?'
I took a camera, photos of the 1977 Star Games, I took a surveyors tape measure, had a look at Gardners allegations, and you know what? I don't believe a word!
First I looked at some Star Games photo's and established where on the green the games were held.
I found the location of the games easily and an accurate perspective of the distance the swimming pool was in relation to the games. Just as I thought, the games were held right next to the pool and was no distance from it. Taking a taxi to the pool was absurd.
Top left is a published photograph of the games and below it is a photograph I took on my recent visit. I was standing exactly where the games were and from there the pool was just to my left behind some trees. |
I took films and photos of the different routes from the games area to the pool, plus measurements of the same. These will be uploaded shortly.
It is possible to get a taxi to the pool but REALLY? Its like going out of your front door and getting a taxi around the block to your back garden.
The three photos below are aerial shots of Jesus Green. They show the area of games and the proximity of the pool. The games were held right by the pool, just to the right of the pool in relation to the photograph.

The bridge you see in the first photo behind the players is the bridge you see going over the river in the second photo.
So in relation to the photographs above we know exactly where the games were held, and it is clear that the pool was right behind the players - they were on top of it.
Taking a taxi to the pool is absurd.
However, Gardner tried to convince the court that Rolf assaulted her in a taxi and she described the taxi journey. She described the route being along the footpaths, beginning bottom right and under the trees crossing diagonally up the green to the gatehouse by the river.
In my humble view, that would have taken even longer. You see, I walked these routes myself, timed them and measured the distances and it just doesn't add up.
Moreover, on the days I went to the Green it was crowded and the footpaths were packed with walkers and cyclists. Cars were not allowed in the Green and they would certainly not be allowed on the busy footpaths. There were children everywhere and remember on the days when Star Games were there Jesus Green would have been absolutely heaving with people.
Taxi's on Jesus Green? - NO WAY!
One very decisive piece of evidence was given in court which disputed Gardner's claim about the taxi and fully corroborates Mr Harris's denial. The producer told the court that taxi's were not used to transport people around the Green because it was 'just a patch of grass'.
Now let's have a look at my attempts at filming the walks and measuring it up - to be uploaded shortly.
Taking a taxi to the pool is absurd.
However, Gardner tried to convince the court that Rolf assaulted her in a taxi and she described the taxi journey. She described the route being along the footpaths, beginning bottom right and under the trees crossing diagonally up the green to the gatehouse by the river.
In my humble view, that would have taken even longer. You see, I walked these routes myself, timed them and measured the distances and it just doesn't add up.
Moreover, on the days I went to the Green it was crowded and the footpaths were packed with walkers and cyclists. Cars were not allowed in the Green and they would certainly not be allowed on the busy footpaths. There were children everywhere and remember on the days when Star Games were there Jesus Green would have been absolutely heaving with people.
Taxi's on Jesus Green? - NO WAY!
One very decisive piece of evidence was given in court which disputed Gardner's claim about the taxi and fully corroborates Mr Harris's denial. The producer told the court that taxi's were not used to transport people around the Green because it was 'just a patch of grass'.
Now let's have a look at my attempts at filming the walks and measuring it up - to be uploaded shortly.
More about Gardner's allegations......
Karen Gardner is a BBC radio presenter for BBC Wiltshire. While Trial 1 was in progress she came forward and made allegations against Rolf Harris. She said that she came forward to help ‘other victims’ [reference ].
Her allegations were tried in trial 2 and trial 3. The jury were unable to reach a verdict and a ‘Not Guilty’ verdict was recorded by the Judge. The fact of the matter is that the jury could not find Rolf guilty. But Karen Gardner seems unable to accept the verdict.
Why not? Well, she’s already invested a lot in her story. She’d been on the radio and TV in July 2014 and August 2015. She’s even been reported in the newspaper. Her photograph is plastered all over the place.
Perhaps it might be, to say the least, a little embarrassing if it turned out that what she was saying all along wasn’t true? That she’d just jumped on the band wagon? Methinks Gardner doth protesteth too much …
In Trials 2 and 3 Stephen Vullo QC, for Rolf Harris, suggested to Gardner that she was "setting herself up to be the advocate for Mr Harris' victims" and her claims had "elevated her from provincial to national. She's the go-to person for the BBC for comment". Gardner denied this in Court - twice, under oath. Yet just days after the Not Guilty verdict was entered by the Judge, there she was again, popping up on Radio 4 – not once but twice (oh, and by the way, she even had time for a quick article in the Australian Press).
It turns out that on the days when she denied this in Court, under oath (swearing to tell ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’) she’d been recording her dog walks and her train journeys into her little microphone for the benefit of her public and her employer and we think, her. It was a little vignette about how it was for her, all so that she could do her little song and dance routine on radio again. Doesn’t that mean that she lied in court? Whatever happened to perjury?
In one of the Radio 4 interviews, she even says that Rolf Harris thought she was ‘fair game’. Isn’t the truth that she thought Rolf was ‘fair game’? Thought she could get herself known a bit, raise her profile? That bandwagon wasn’t going to go without her …
We all know that in 1978 Rolf appeared in the Thames Television programme, STAR GAMES, filmed on Jesus Green. Gardner was sixteen.
She told the court that her job as volunteer helper at the Star Games was to stick with Rolf to guide him to scheduled events and to run errands for him. She said she was within a few yards of Rolf all day. She alleged that she shared a taxi with Rolf and the taxi took them to the swimming pool on Jesus Green in the afternoon and that she was assaulted in the taxi.......WHAT TAXI????
It’s like getting a taxi from your back door, through your back garden to take you round to your front door.....dah!
The stupid woman didn’t expect an old busy body like me to take my tape measure there and measure up did she? Well I did, and if she’s telling the truth, I’m a jar of pickled onions 🤦🏼♀️
Karen Gardner is a BBC radio presenter for BBC Wiltshire. While Trial 1 was in progress she came forward and made allegations against Rolf Harris. She said that she came forward to help ‘other victims’ [reference ].
Her allegations were tried in trial 2 and trial 3. The jury were unable to reach a verdict and a ‘Not Guilty’ verdict was recorded by the Judge. The fact of the matter is that the jury could not find Rolf guilty. But Karen Gardner seems unable to accept the verdict.
Why not? Well, she’s already invested a lot in her story. She’d been on the radio and TV in July 2014 and August 2015. She’s even been reported in the newspaper. Her photograph is plastered all over the place.
Perhaps it might be, to say the least, a little embarrassing if it turned out that what she was saying all along wasn’t true? That she’d just jumped on the band wagon? Methinks Gardner doth protesteth too much …
In Trials 2 and 3 Stephen Vullo QC, for Rolf Harris, suggested to Gardner that she was "setting herself up to be the advocate for Mr Harris' victims" and her claims had "elevated her from provincial to national. She's the go-to person for the BBC for comment". Gardner denied this in Court - twice, under oath. Yet just days after the Not Guilty verdict was entered by the Judge, there she was again, popping up on Radio 4 – not once but twice (oh, and by the way, she even had time for a quick article in the Australian Press).
It turns out that on the days when she denied this in Court, under oath (swearing to tell ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’) she’d been recording her dog walks and her train journeys into her little microphone for the benefit of her public and her employer and we think, her. It was a little vignette about how it was for her, all so that she could do her little song and dance routine on radio again. Doesn’t that mean that she lied in court? Whatever happened to perjury?
In one of the Radio 4 interviews, she even says that Rolf Harris thought she was ‘fair game’. Isn’t the truth that she thought Rolf was ‘fair game’? Thought she could get herself known a bit, raise her profile? That bandwagon wasn’t going to go without her …
We all know that in 1978 Rolf appeared in the Thames Television programme, STAR GAMES, filmed on Jesus Green. Gardner was sixteen.
She told the court that her job as volunteer helper at the Star Games was to stick with Rolf to guide him to scheduled events and to run errands for him. She said she was within a few yards of Rolf all day. She alleged that she shared a taxi with Rolf and the taxi took them to the swimming pool on Jesus Green in the afternoon and that she was assaulted in the taxi.......WHAT TAXI????
It’s like getting a taxi from your back door, through your back garden to take you round to your front door.....dah!
The stupid woman didn’t expect an old busy body like me to take my tape measure there and measure up did she? Well I did, and if she’s telling the truth, I’m a jar of pickled onions 🤦🏼♀️