We think it would be useful to clarify some misperceptions that abound regarding the Rolf Harris case. Myths that have been entrenched by the press. Untruths that we believe the press know are untrue and indeed have started themselves quite deliberately it would appear. We call this page 'Debunking The Myths'.
There are many and they are far too numerous to capture in one go so this page will develop over time. We would be pleased if you would point them out to us.
First we will show the published admission by The Daily Mirror which they printed under sufferance because Mr Harris' legal team insisted that their fictional story of pornography found in Mr Harris' cell be replaced with the truth. And the truth is.....
There are many and they are far too numerous to capture in one go so this page will develop over time. We would be pleased if you would point them out to us.
First we will show the published admission by The Daily Mirror which they printed under sufferance because Mr Harris' legal team insisted that their fictional story of pornography found in Mr Harris' cell be replaced with the truth. And the truth is.....
Nobody challenges the dishonest rhetoric and salacious falsehoods surrounding the Rolf Harris case and they are sadly believed by many simply because the public, that is you and I, are constantly drip fed fabricated news articles in the daily newspapers, like the one above.
Our colleague Anne Pyke has first hand experience and has told us of the fabricated story about the campaign team wanting to re release Sun Arise to raise funds for the campaign.
This is the story...http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/441239/Daughter-backs-re-release-to-fund-appeal
These are the facts....Don Hale used to visit the Support Rolf Harris Facebook page. This is not our page and nothing to do with this website, but Anne did visit it a few times. Somebody mooted the idea of campaigning to get one of Rolfs songs back into the charts. It was an idea that was never seriously discussed because it was just facebook patter.
Bindi was never a part of any discussion and we don't think anybody even knew her, we certainly don't know her. Anne doesn't know her.
The next thing Don Hale reported in the Star that Bindi was backing the campaign...erm? There was no campaign and there was never any contact from Bindi. She had no campaign to back.
It was nonsense!
The article says this; Anne Pyke, from Harris’ campaign team, said: “This petition is great and we should have a mass purchase of one of his songs to show our support and get him back in the charts.” She never said any such thing. All of us who support Mr Harris are self funding, we do NOT raise money!
Our colleague Anne Pyke has first hand experience and has told us of the fabricated story about the campaign team wanting to re release Sun Arise to raise funds for the campaign.
This is the story...http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/441239/Daughter-backs-re-release-to-fund-appeal
These are the facts....Don Hale used to visit the Support Rolf Harris Facebook page. This is not our page and nothing to do with this website, but Anne did visit it a few times. Somebody mooted the idea of campaigning to get one of Rolfs songs back into the charts. It was an idea that was never seriously discussed because it was just facebook patter.
Bindi was never a part of any discussion and we don't think anybody even knew her, we certainly don't know her. Anne doesn't know her.
The next thing Don Hale reported in the Star that Bindi was backing the campaign...erm? There was no campaign and there was never any contact from Bindi. She had no campaign to back.
It was nonsense!
The article says this; Anne Pyke, from Harris’ campaign team, said: “This petition is great and we should have a mass purchase of one of his songs to show our support and get him back in the charts.” She never said any such thing. All of us who support Mr Harris are self funding, we do NOT raise money!
Pornography under the floorboards!
Two things need to be verified here:
1 Somebody needs to convince us that this 1960's town house block doesn't have concrete block flooring throughout like they ususally do. There are never floorboards in blocks like this. This story was not thought through was it? 2 Would the mystery plumber who dug up magazines from under a concrete block floor care to step forward? This story is BUNKUM! |
Leigh Park community centre is not in Portsmouth. [Thanks to a site visitor, Steve, for supplying the information below].
Even the Judge at the trial described Leigh Park Community Centre as being in Portsmouth. If the Judge misdescribed the allegation in this way then the Judge misled the jury didn't he? I would say so!
You see Portsmouth is a large city with large theatres and concert facilities. Leigh Park is no such thing, and the community centre is a small, tatty community building in the middle of an overflow council estate in Havent some nine miles away from Portsmouth, it is NOT IN PORTSMOUTH! Mr Harris was just about to begin or otherwise he was just concluding an international tour at well known prestigious venues such as the Albert Hall. Prestigious venues in Sweden were included in the tour.
Why did the Judge change a tatty sink estate to prestigious Portsmouth - two places over nine miles apart?
Even the Judge at the trial described Leigh Park Community Centre as being in Portsmouth. If the Judge misdescribed the allegation in this way then the Judge misled the jury didn't he? I would say so!
You see Portsmouth is a large city with large theatres and concert facilities. Leigh Park is no such thing, and the community centre is a small, tatty community building in the middle of an overflow council estate in Havent some nine miles away from Portsmouth, it is NOT IN PORTSMOUTH! Mr Harris was just about to begin or otherwise he was just concluding an international tour at well known prestigious venues such as the Albert Hall. Prestigious venues in Sweden were included in the tour.
Why did the Judge change a tatty sink estate to prestigious Portsmouth - two places over nine miles apart?
In March 1963, six years prior to the alleged assault at Leigh Park in 1969, Mr Harris did appear at The Portsmouth Guildhall....see the photo's of The Guildhall below. Compare them to photo of the Leigh Park Community Centre below right.
There's a bit of an anomaly isn't there?
Describing Leigh Park Community Centre as being in Portsmouth gives a complete misrepresentation.
Describing Leigh Park Community Centre as being in Portsmouth gives a complete misrepresentation.