I visited the Queens Arms in Woolwich three times. Each time I went with a couple of friends and we enjoyed afternoons playing pool and drinking in the lounge bar. The picture below shows one of my friends with his face blotted out. The pub has just this one room and the picture here makes it look longer than it actually is. There are only three small tables in front of us so you can tell that it is actually quite small. The pillar furthest away is in front of the toilet door in question. You can see the toilet door is open.
I am sitting in a small alcove type area on a bench seat. This alcove is much too small for a group of people and Tonya Lee's theatre group must have been seated elsewhere. We looked around to find the most likely area and the only place open enough which had room for a bench seat, was at the far end right next to the toilets, by the pool table. Otherwise the group must have sat in the middle on the tables, but Tonya Lee said she sat on a bench seat so she must have sat at the far end. See the next photo.

I am sitting at the very far end of the pub by the entrance door which is to my left. I can see the toilet door at the other end. I am in an alcove far too small for a group so let's go and find a place big enough for the theatre group. In the photos below we move to the other end because the alcoves we pass in the middle of the pub are also very small......
The photos below are of the corner by the pool table where I think the theatre group must have sat. This is the only place where there could have been a bench seating area large enough for a group of people. To clarify, look at the dartboard....just left of the dartboard in the picture.
Over by the wall just under the window by the dart board is the only place where there was once a bench seat in an area large enough for a group. The picture above of the two people playing pool was taken from a seat in the area Tonya Lee must have been sitting with the theatre group. The doors behind the men playing pool are the toilet doors. The closest one is the ladies and the furthest one is the gents. You see that plaque on the door?...that is an old fashioned solid brass plaque which says LADIES.
It seems that from where the theatre group were sitting the ladies toilet door was clearly visible and very close by. Now ask yourselves this question; would a man walk through a door marked LADIES in a busy pub in full view of the people in the bar, in view of the group he was with and in full view of the bar staff? I think not! When you consider that man is a famous celebrity, it becomes very implausible indeed.